High School Scripture and Flipside Curriculum
Erina High School, Terrigal High School, and Henry Kendall High School
Scripture Curriculum – 2024
THE GOSPEL – A Biblical Introduction to Christianity
This introductory course is designed for teenagers to be introduced to 12 core topics and principles that describe the God of the Bible, the person of Jesus Christ and what it looks like to be a Christian, i.e., a follower of Jesus.
Week 1: God as creator and ruler – Where do you think we all came from?
Week 2: Sin and the Creator – Is there a difference between the wrong things we do to others and the wrong things we do to God?
Week 3: Jesus’ judgement on sin – If you were to describe who you think Jesus is, what word would you use? Is it Judge?
Week 4: Jesus’ death on the cross – Have you ever made a mistake you couldn’t fix?
Week 5: Jesus’ resurrection and ours – Do you think there’s anything after we die?
Week 6: What is a Christian – How would most people describe what Christians are like?
Week 7: Misunderstanding 1: Works – What makes a Christian certain of their hope?
Week 8: Misunderstanding 2: Licence Is a Christian someone who always gets it right?
Week 9: Being a Disciple – Is it costly to be a Christian? Will I be different?
Week 10: Prayer – Why do Christians pray and does it work?
Week 11: Hope and Suffering – How do Christians make sense of suffering?
Week 12: Church – Why is it important that Christians go to church?
EV Church Flipside Program – Term 2, 2024
Introduction to Flipside
Flipside is lunchtime/recess Christian group that meets for 20mins in local high schools and provides a safe space for Christian students to gather with Christians and for other students to come along a hear a short Bible talk (5mins). All volunteers are trained and approved for safe ministry and enjoy their time connecting with students and offering an opportunity to learn more about the Christian faith.
Term 2 Talk Series: Big Questions
Week / Topic / Description
Week 1: Is God Real? How does Science & Belief in God go together? (Gen 1&2)
Week 2: Why is there suffering, the Bible’s answer. (Gen 3, Rom 1, Heb 2:14-18)
Week 3: Is God Good? His commands for us don’t seem good. (Rom 8:28-30, James 1:17, Psalm 23)
Week 4: What does it mean that God loves all people? Does he accept everyone as they are? (1 John 4:10, 1 Tim 2:3-6)
Week 5: What is sin, and why is it so bad? (Rom 1:21-23, Ex 20)
Week 6: Why do we exist according to the Bible? (Ecc 3:10-12, Acts 17, Eph 1)
Week 7: Why would I want to go to Heaven? (Rev 21-22)
Primary School Scripture Curriculum and Training
EV Church SRE teachers use a variety of approved programs/curricula.
EV Church uses curriculum from CEP Connect and GodSpace. A full explanation of the teaching material can be found at CEP Connect or GodSpace.
EV Church is committed to the ongoing training of our Scripture Teachers. This list outlines the training courses offered to our teachers. For further information about our SRE programs or to ask questions please contact EV SRE Coordinator at [email protected].
At the beginning of each calendar year all curriculum will be reviewed for suitability by the EV SRE Coordinator.
Authorisation and Complaints Process
Process for authorisation of an SRE teacher:
Prior to initial authorisation a teacher will:
- Complete the EV Ministry application form.
- Have their WWC number “cleared” by church.
- Read the EV Church Code of Conduct for Working with Children and Youth.
- Complete the Safe Ministry Leader Training Module.
- Meet with the Church SRE coordinator to read and understand the SRE Teacher Handbook.
To renew authorisation:
- The Church SRE coordinator will confirm that the WWC clearance is still valid.
- The SRE teacher will re-read the EV Code of Conduct for working with Children/ Youth
- Meet with the Church SRE Coordinator to review the teacher’s understanding of the content of the SRE Teacher Handbook.
All authorised SRE teachers will:
- Wear an identification badge.
- Provide the school with a letter containing relevant contact information.
- Review their teaching practices through mentor support and self-reflection. This teacher review process will guide the process for ongoing teacher training and the topics identified will be included in the annual assurance to the Department of Education.
Complaints Process
- If a parent has a concern or question about SRE they are best to approach their child’s classroom teacher.
- The Classroom teacher will then contact the SRE teacher or Protestant SRE Coordinator to discuss the complaint.
- If the complaint can be easily resolved, the classroom teacher will inform the parent of the resolution. The SRE teacher informs the EV Church SRE Coordinator of the complaint and it’s resolution. If possible, it is best that this be done within 7 days.
- If the complaint cannot be easily resolved, the SRE teacher will contact the School Protestant SRE Coordinator and the EV Church SRE Coordinator to seek advice. This must be done within 48 hours of the issue being raised with them. It is expected that steps be taken towards resolving the complaint within 7 days.
This document will be reviewed annually. Last reviewed: Jan 2024.