We long for our church to be a place of love and safety for everyone, particularly the vulnerable. This is to reflect God’s particular heart for the needy. God himself reached out to save us in Christ when we were helpless.
Who is vulnerable?
The largest vulnerable population at EV are our children and youth. Therefore it is critical that we pay careful attention to ‘Child protection’.
But there are others who are also vulnerable. People who may not be able to protect themselves from harm or coercion due to their particular circumstances of age, disability or past trauma. We consider them as vulnerable people and so are especially vigilant to see them cared for.
How we protect the vulnerable
We have policies and procedures in place to improve safety in each ministry area.
- Safe Ministry Policy
- Safe Ministry Code of Conduct for Children and Youth
- Volunteer Working with Children Application
Our Youth and Children’s ministry leaders are screened as they are recruited and are trained in Safe Ministry practices.
Yet a key area is to encourage everyone in our church to play a role. It forms part of our personal maturity that we look to others around us. And it also creates a culture that has been shown to work in improving safety because we become a large network of protection/safety.
Look out
- for spaces or circumstances that aren’t safe (could put people at risk of harm)
- for behaviour by anyone (even leaders) that seems inappropriate or breaches our code of conduct
- for signs that a vulnerable person may be at risk of or is experiencing abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, neglect or being defrauded) .
Speak up
- Report any concerns to one of the safe ministry contacts below
- Except in an emergency dial 000
No matter how strange it seems, you will be listened to, taken seriously, and it will be confidential. Our eyes, our ears, our common sense could be the difference in a person’s life.
Safe Ministry Contacts
Feel free to chat with these leaders who are trained to handle any issues you might want to raise in regards to making church a safe place. You can also email [email protected].

Further training and awareness
We invite everyone in church to complete the Members course through Safe Ministry Check. This short, online course provides more detailed training on what things to look out for, and how to speak up about people’s safety.