Our Assurance
Verse 1
We have a hope to which we cling
When doubt and darkness overcome
When every thought in us condemns
And every comfort comes undone
For our assurance doesn’t rest
In any righteous work we’ve done
But in our God who loved the world
And gave His one and only Son
O Praise the one who saved us
O Praise the Risen King
Praise the Father Son and Spirit
Our assurance is in Him
Verse 2
We have a hope that was secured
There is no ransom left to pay
The precious blood of Christ enough
To cover every sin and shame
It is by grace we have been saved
Our risen life is bound with His
Now reconciled we can draw near
As sons and daughters of the King
Verse 3
We have a hope that will not fail
He will sustain us through the storms
To run the race until that day
He calls His children to come home
Then our assurance will be proved
When faith is overcome by sight
When we behold Him face to face
And know forever His delight
For our assurance doesn’t rest
In any righteous work we’ve done
But in our God who loved the world
And gave His one and only Son
EV Music - Our Assurance © Corina McGuire, Corinne Lewis, Trevor Hodge