Jesus Everything We Need - 2 Peter 1:12-21 - EV Night
2 Peter 1:12-21 | EV Night | 18/11/2012 | Jez Reynolds
Jez continues our series in 2 Peter finishing of chapter 1
Jesus Everything We Need - 2 Peter 1:1-11 - EV Night
| EV Night | 11/11/2012 | Jez Reynolds
Our first week in 2 Peter and Jez takes us through the grace-driven effort required for growth in the Christian life, and the benefits that this growth has.
Jesus Everything We Need - 2 Peter 1:1-11 - EV Night
2 Peter 1:1-11 | EV Night | 11/11/2012 | Jez Reynolds
Jez kicks off the book of 2 Peter
Holiday Series - Romans 12:9-16 - EV Night
| EV Night | 7/10/2012 | Jez Reynolds
How do we understand true love? In light of the cross: sincere, selfless, sacrificial.
Holiday Sermons - Romans 12:1-16 - EV Night
Romans 12:1-16 | EV Night | 7/10/2012 | Jez Reynolds
Jez looks at how Romans should change the way we live our lives
Saturday EV - Holidays - Romans 12:9-16
Romans 12:9-16 | Saturday EV | 6/10/2012 | Jez Reynolds
Jez Reynolds preaches on what implications the Gospel has on our attitude and actions towards each other.
Holiday Series - Romans 12:1-8 - EV Night
| EV Night | 30/09/2012 | Jez Reynolds
What does it mean to offer our lives to God as living sacrifices?
Holiday Sermons - Romans 12:1-8 - EV Night
Romans 12:1-8 | EV Night | 30/09/2012 | Jez Reynolds
Jez talks on what we learn in Romans and how it should change the way we live.
Peninsula EV - Holidays - Romans 12:1-5
Romans 12:1-5 | Grace Church Peninsula | 30/09/2012 | Jez Reynolds
Recorded 30/09/2012
Saturday EV - Holidays - Romans 12:1-2
Romans 12:1-2 | Saturday EV | 29/09/2012 | Jez Reynolds
Jez Reynolds preaches on what implications the Gospel has on our attitude and actions towards God.