Bad people can go to heaven.
Luke 18:9-17 | EV Church | 28/01/2024 | Andrew Heard
Who goes to heaven? Those who are good, or who aren't super-bad... This popular thinking is dangerously wrong! Andrew Heard speaks from Jesus' story of the Pharisee and Tax Collector where we see our real hope for heaven is in Jesus.
There is a God and he cares for you.
Luke 15:11-32 | EV Night | 14/01/2024 | Andrew Heard
The Bible claims there is a God and he really cares for you. Andrew Heard shares the incredible news that God has pursued us and welcomes all those who return to him - He is the good Father.
There is a God and he cares for you.
Luke 15:11-32 | EV Church | 14/01/2024 | Andrew Heard
The Bible claims there is a God and he really cares for you. Andrew Heard shares the incredible news that God has pursued us and welcomes all those who return to him - He is the good Father.
EV Night service
Revelation 5:1-10 | EV Night | 7/01/2024 | Andrew Heard
The heavens sing a new song because salvation has come to us in Jesus. Andrew Heard delves into Revelation to help us understand the implications of Jesus death for us.
EV Church morning service
Revelation 5:1-10 | EV Church | 7/01/2024 | Andrew Heard
The heavens sing a new song because salvation has come to us in Jesus. Andrew Heard delves into Revelation to help us understand the implications of Jesus death for us.
Christmas Day service | Simeon's Song
Luke 2:25-35 | Special Event | 25/12/2023 | Andrew Heard
Why do we come together to celebrate the birth of a baby over 2000 years ago? Andrew Heard takes us through Simeon's song and his joy over the promised baby and the life changing impact this has for us too.
Romans 6:1-14 | EV Night | 10/12/2023 | Andrew Heard
To be sanctified is the great purpose of our salvation, that we might continue to be changed to be more like Jesus. Andrew Heard challenges us to contend for God and his work to be central to our lives.
Romans 6:1-14 | EV Church | 10/12/2023 | Andrew Heard
To be sanctified is the great purpose of our salvation, that we might continue to be changed to be more like Jesus. Andrew Heard challenges us to contend for God and his work to be central to our lives.
Psalms 40:1-8 | EV Night | 12/11/2023 | Andrew Heard
How can we gain access to a holy God? Andrew Heard shares how only Jesus' death can atone for our sin and bring us back to him.
Psalms 40:1-8 | EV Church | 12/11/2023 | Andrew Heard
How can we gain access to a holy God? Andrew Heard shares how only Jesus' death can atone for our sin and bring us back to him.