Slaves and Masters
1 Timothy 6:1-2 | EV Night | 14/07/2024 | Andrew Heard
What we value most in life will show in how we live and the choices we make. Andrew Heard challenges us to have an eternal perspective -where how we live, how we work, and what choices we make now, demonstrates a desire to please our heavenly father, rather than an earthly circumstance.
Individualised Love
1 Timothy 5:1-16 | EV Night | 23/06/2024 | Andrew Heard
True Christianity enables us to better fulfill our God intended role within the family unit. As Andrew Heard speaks on 1 Timothy 5 he helps us to recognise how we can be bound by cultural influence and in turn miss what truly pleases God.
Individualised Love
1 Timothy 5:1-16 | EV Church | 23/06/2024 | Andrew Heard
True Christianity enables us to better fulfill our God intended role within the family unit. As Andrew Heard speaks on 1 Timothy 5 he helps us to recognise how we can be bound by cultural influence and in turn miss what truly pleases God.
Protecting God's Household
1 Timothy 3:14-4:16 | EV Night | 16/06/2024 | Andrew Heard
Hollywood has conditioned us to think of demonic work in a way that means we miss how Satan actually operates according to the Bible. Andrew Heard unpacks from 1 Timothy 3.
Protecting God's Household
1 Timothy 3:14-4:16 | EV Church | 16/06/2024 | Andrew Heard
Hollywood has conditioned us to think of demonic work in a way that means we miss how Satan actually operates according to the Bible. Andrew Heard unpacks from 1 Timothy 3.
Respectable Leaders
1 Timothy 3:1-13 | EV Church | 9/06/2024 | Andrew Heard
As Andrew guides us through 1 Timonthy 3, it clearly outlines the specific qualifications for our church leaders. It is evident that a leader's integrity, both in their personal life and within the church organisation, plays a crucial role in shaping the culture of the church.
The Glorious Diversity of Men and Women
1 Timothy 2:8-15 | EV Night | 2/06/2024 | Andrew Heard
The Bible presents a shape to our lives together as men and women that honours the differences and reflects God's intent in his creation. Andrew Heard takes us back into the Genesis account that makes sense of how men and women are to relate in the church.
The Glorious Diversity of Men and Women
1 Timothy 2:8-15 | EV Church | 2/06/2024 | Andrew Heard
The Bible presents a shape to our lives together as men and women that honours the differences and reflects God's intent in his creation. Andrew Heard takes us back into the Genesis account that makes sense of how men and women are to relate in the church.
Stay in Ephesus!
1 Timothy 1:1-11 | EV Night | 5/05/2024 | Andrew Heard
The book of 1 Timothy is Paul's passionate reminder to the Ephesians about what is truly important in life. Andrew Heard begins this series reminding us that the gospel truth is what matters when lives are at stake for eternity.
Stay in Ephesus!
1 Timothy 1:1-11 | EV Church | 5/05/2024 | Andrew Heard
The book of 1 Timothy is Paul's passionate reminder to the Ephesians about what is truly important in life. Andrew Heard begins this series reminding us that the gospel truth is what matters when lives are at stake for eternity.