We finish the year and look into the next through the lens of God's Word to us.
God loves us and wants to save
Luke 24: 36-53 | EV Night | 5/01/2025 | Andrew Heard
The scriptures tell us that God loves us and wants to save! Andrew Heard speaks from the end of Luke's gospel, that Jesus preached he must suffer and die, and that this message must be preached to the world for salvation.
God loves us and wants to save
Luke 24: 36-53 | EV Church | 5/01/2025 | Andrew Heard
The scriptures tell us that God loves us and wants to save! Andrew Heard speaks from the end of Luke's gospel, that Jesus preached he must suffer and die, and that this message must be preached to the world for salvation.
A Year of God's Word
1 Peter 1:23-2:3 | EV Night | 29/12/2024 | Andrew Hayes
A new year! What are your aims and hopes? Andrew Hayes shows us what God says about his word in the book of Isaiah, and challenges us to make 2025 a year of God's word. Be fuelled for a year of sharing it and reading it by these 4 truths: 1. The tragedy of Isaiah's day: God's Word is neglected (Isaiah 5:24) 2. Hope for the last days: nations streaming to hear God's word (Isaiah 2:2-3) 3. Encouragement in the waiting days: God's word is unfailingly reliable (Isaiah 40:8) and powerful (Isaiah 50:10-11) 4. The challenge for us today: be people who tremble at God's word (Isaiah 66:2) Sermon Slides https://evchurch.info/20241230-slides
Security in our Chaotic World
Revelation 1:4-8 | EV Church | 29/12/2024 | Grahame Fuller
Where can we find security in our chaotic world? Grahame Fuller points us to the book of Revelation for answers, offering hope in uncertain times.