The Gift of Salvation
Philippians 3:10 - 4:1 | EV Church | 22/10/2023 | Jez Reynolds
This life will not satisfy, we are saved for something more. Jez Reynolds reminds us that our deepest longing should be for our heavenly home.
The Gift of Salvation
Ephesians 2:1-10 | EV Night | 22/10/2023 | Andrew Hayes
To see the slides click -> What does it mean to be saved by grace? What are we saved to, and what does grace even mean? Andrew Hayes compares two views of grace that sound similar, but lead to different saviours. Only one saviour can really save - as we see from Ephesians 2:1-10.
EV Church - John 1:6-18
John 1:6-18 | EV Church | 14/02/2021 | Andrew Heard
A gift, a tragedy, and an even greater gift. Andrew Heard explains John's profound words in John 1:9-12 and speaks of how we can become the children of God.
EV Night - John 1:6-18
John 1:6-18 | EV Night | 14/02/2021 | Andrew Heard
A gift, a tragedy, and an even greater gift. Andrew Heard explains John's profound words in John 1:9-12 and speaks of how we can become the children of God.
Love Arrives - Christmas Day 9am
John 3:16 | EV Church | 25/12/2014 | Andrew Heard
Andrew Heard helps us reflect on the loving gift from God in his son Jesus.
EV Night - Hebrews 6:13-20
Hebrews 6:13-20 | EV Night | 5/12/2021 | Andrew Heard
Through Hebrew 6, Andrew Heard shows us that God has given us the gift of security, so we can be patient and trust in his faithfulness
Romans 3:21-26
Romans 3:21-26 | EV Church | 2/09/2012 | Tim Baldwin
Tim Baldwin preaching on Romans 3:21-26 1. Care most about our relationship with God 2. Own the fact that there is nothing you can do to patch things up with Him 3. Reflect on the enormus cost of God's gift 4. Be concerned for God's reputation. - so that you can celebrate the fact that you can be made right with God.
EV Church - Hebrews 6:13-20
Hebrews 6:13-20 | EV Church | 5/12/2021 | Andrew Heard
Through Hebrews 6, Andrew Heard shows us that God has given us the gift of security, so we can be patient and trust in his faithfulness.
How do you know you're a Christian?
Romans 3:21-26 | EV Church | 9/07/2023 | Dave Jensen
We ask ourselves, what does God want from us? How do I know if I've done enough? Dave Jensen helps us wrestle with our rejection of God and the Bible's clear solution, the gift of grace Jesus' death gives us - eternal assurance!
How do you know you're a Christian?
Romans 3:21-26 | EV Night | 9/07/2023 | Dave Jensen
We ask ourselves, what does God want from us? How do I know if I've done enough? Dave Jensen helps us wrestle with our rejection of God and the Bible's clear solution, the gift of grace Jesus' death gives us - eternal assurance!