January Summer Series | Death Is The End - Andrew Heard - 1 Corinthians 15:1-19 - EV Night
| EV Night | 20/01/2013 | Andrew Heard
How do we know whether death is the end? What would it mean for our lives and society? We wrestle with these questions and see how Jesus comes into the picture.
EV Night - Luke 15:11-24
Luke 15:11-24 | EV Night | 10/01/2021 | Jez Reynolds
Would it be a good thing if God was chill? Jez Reynolds takes us through Jesus' teaching on the prodigal son, who experiences the passionate love of a father who cares. Talk 1 in this years summer series.
EV Church - Luke 15:11-24
Luke 15:11-24 | EV Church | 10/01/2021 | Jez Reynolds
Would it be a good thing if God was chill? Jez Reynolds takes us through Jesus' teaching on the prodigal son, who experiences the passionate love of a father who cares. Talk 1 in this years summer series.
Summer Series - Luke 15:11-24 - EV Night
Luke 15:11-24 | EV Night | 13/01/2013 | Andrew Heard
Andrew kicks off the summer series looking at Reincarnation
EV Night - Luke 23:44-49
Luke 23:44-49 | EV Night | 31/01/2021 | Dave Jensen
Would God be good news if he was there and he cared? Dave Jensen takes us to Luke 22 and 23 where we see the evidence for God's immeasurable love for us in the cross of Jesus. The final talk in this year's summer series.
EV Church - Luke 23:44-49
Luke 23:44-49 | EV Church | 31/01/2021 | Dave Jensen
Would God be good news if he was there and he cared? Dave Jensen takes us to Luke 22 and 23 where we see the evidence for God's immeasurable love for us in the cross of Jesus. The final talk in this year's summer series.
Saturday EV - Summer Series 2013 - Reincarnation
:- | Saturday EV | 12/01/2013 | Tim Baldwin
What do you think happens after this life? Tim Baldwin looks at Reincarnation and what the Bible has to say about it.
What is Summerfest?
| Summerfest | 5/01/2015 | Andrew Heard
Andrew Heard explains a bit a about Summerfest for 2015, including an intro to the upcoming Summer Series "How would you fix the world?"
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Luke 13:1-9 | EV Church | 10/01/2016 | Andrew Heard
Andrew Heard digs into the first of the 4 part Summer Series questions - "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Acknowledging that there is suffering in the world which we can't explain, are you confident to humble yourself before God with gratitude and trust?
Why do bad things happen to good people? - EV Night
Luke 13:1-9 | EV Night | 10/01/2016 | Andrew Heard
Andrew Heard digs into the first of the 4 part Summer Series questions - "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Acknowledging that there is suffering in the world which we can't explain, are you confident to humble yourself before God with gratitude and trust?