Saved From
Matthew 25:31-46 | EV Night | 15/10/2023 | Andrew Heard
The Christian message is one of great hope amidst the eternal consequences of our rejection of God. Andrew Heard reminds us of what Jesus taught as first importance, our need to be saved from hell.
Saved From
Matthew 25:31-46 | EV Church | 15/10/2023 | Andrew Heard
The Christian message is one of great hope amidst the eternal consequences of our rejection of God. Andrew Heard reminds us of what Jesus taught as first importance, our need to be saved from hell.
Acts 16:22-34 - EV Night
Acts 16:22-34 | EV Night | 25/10/2015 | Dan Ford
Dan Ford speaks from Acts 16 - this book of the bible is all about people being saved! God is all about people being saved! It matters how you respond to this good news of Jesus. Have you decided how you are going to respond?
The Gift of Salvation
Ephesians 2:1-10 | EV Night | 22/10/2023 | Andrew Hayes
To see the slides click -> What does it mean to be saved by grace? What are we saved to, and what does grace even mean? Andrew Hayes compares two views of grace that sound similar, but lead to different saviours. Only one saviour can really save - as we see from Ephesians 2:1-10.
Real Faith
James 2:14-26 | EV Night | 21/04/2024 | Andrew Hayes
James 2 can be a confronting, and even confusing passage. It talks about how to be saved, and it seems to say something different to what we see in John, or Paul. Is salvation by faith, or do we also need to add good works? We see that James and Paul do not contradict each other, but rather they fight against different errors. The truth is we are saved by faith, not what we do. Yet real faith shows itself in what we do. A challenge to consider if our faith is real.
Real Faith
James 2:14-26 | EV Church | 21/04/2024 | Andrew Hayes
James 2 can be a confronting, and even confusing passage. It talks about how to be saved, and it seems to say something different to what we see in John, or Paul. Is salvation by faith, or do we also need to add good works? We see that James and Paul do not contradict each other, but rather they fight against different errors. The truth is we are saved by faith, not what we do. Yet real faith shows itself in what we do. A challenge to consider if our faith is real.
The Journey - Dale Brown - Luke 13:13-21 - EV Night
| EV Night | 21/04/2013 | Dale Brown
Jesus offers us hope, but not everybody will be saved. How do we enter through the narrow door?
The Gift of Salvation
Philippians 3:10 - 4:1 | EV Church | 22/10/2023 | Jez Reynolds
This life will not satisfy, we are saved for something more. Jez Reynolds reminds us that our deepest longing should be for our heavenly home.
Galatians 3:15-25
Galatians 3:15-25 | EV Church | 17/08/2014 | Tim Baldwin
Tim Baldwin discusses the history of the promise of grace made to Abram 4,000 years ago, examining the law in the context of the promise. Are you really captured by grace, and through humility, accepting the sinful condition that impacts us all, with an assurance that you are saved not through works but because of what God has done.
Saturday EV - Galatians 3:15-25
Galatians 3:15-25 | Saturday EV | 16/08/2014 | Tim Baldwin
Tim Baldwin discusses the history of the promise of grace made to Abram 4,000 years ago, examining the law in the context of the promise. Are you really captured by grace, and through humility, accepting the sinful condition that impacts us all, with an assurance that you are saved not through works but because of what God has done.