Christmas Day 9am: Lasting Joy - Luke 2:1-15
Luke 2:1-15 | EV Church | 25/12/2016 | Andrew Heard
Andrew Heard speaks from Luke's gospel where we see an invitation to us to find real, lasting, joy. We know that happiness and joy in this world does not last, but there is something that will not fail you... Christmas! Have you found lasting joy in Jesus?
Galatians 3:26-4:7
Galatians 3:26-4:7 | EV Church | 24/08/2014 | Craig Dobbie
Craig Dobbie examines Paul's illustrations of the Law - being like a jail warden, a strict guardian informing people of where they don't measure up, and finally like a slave. Are you truly thankful that we can be heirs of God, not through law keeping, but simply by faith in Christ? Given that we can't fix the world through law keeping, do you relate to God as an anxious slave, or as a confident heir?
Saturday EV - Colossians 1:21-23
Colossians 1:21-23 | Saturday EV | 3/01/2015 | Andrew Heard
Andrew Heard challenges us to not move beyond the basics of Christian life, - understanding that we were living in hostility to God - with an appreciation that God reconciled us (made friends with us) so that we can be presented blameless - choosing to put your faith in Jesus Are you in humility continuing to trust in Jesus and aspiring to develop a greater maturity in Him?
Satisfaction for your soul
John 7:37-44 | EV Church | 13/03/2022 | Jez Reynolds
Just as your physical body thirsts for water, your soul is made to be satisfied in God. Jez Reynolds shows us Jesus' invitation in chapter 7 to come to him only for lasting satisfaction.
Satisfaction for your soul
John 7:37-44 | EV Night | 13/03/2022 | Jez Reynolds
Just as your physical body thirsts for water, your soul is made to be satisfied in God. Jez Reynolds shows us Jesus' invitation in chapter 7 to come to him only for lasting satisfaction.
Saturday EV - Hebrew 11:24-40
Hebrew 11:24-40 | Saturday EV | 6/01/2018 | Tim Baldwin
Hebrews 11 - Eyes of faith.
Week 4: Revelation 12-13
Revelation 12-13 | EV Church | 6/11/2016 | Andrew Heard
Andrew Heard describes the very real spiritual dimension that the bible refers to in Revelation 12, highlighting that despite what we may see as ordinary, that there are spectacular spiritual celebrations in heaven as people decide to follow Jesus. Pray that you can counter the accusations of Satan (a massively spiritual battle) by believing and trusting in the Father, thankful that Jesus has paid for our sin, and growing to be more like Christ.
Peninsula EV - 1 Timothy 1:1-11
1 Timothy 1:1-11 | Grace Church Peninsula | 1/05/2016 | Andrew Heard
Andrew Heard gets to the heart of 1 Timothy as we see Paul's concern for there to be kingdom-advancing, gospel-centred teaching in God's household, the church. Are you growing in love and sincerity of faith as a person of God's culture, as our own culture drifts and changes?
1 Timothy 1:1-11 - EV Night
1 Timothy 1:1-11 | EV Night | 1/05/2016 | Andrew Heard
Andrew Heard gets to the heart of 1 Timothy as we see Paul's concern for there to be kingdom-advancing, gospel-centred teaching in God's household, the church. Are you growing in love and sincerity of faith as a person of God's culture, as our own culture drifts and changes?
Saturday EV - 1 Peter 1:3-9
1 Peter 1:3-9 | Saturday EV | 7/07/2012 | Jez Reynolds
What's a Christian? Someone who loves, trusts and enjoys Jesus. Jez Reynolds looks at Christian joy from 1 Peter 1:3-9.