How God saves today
Ezekiel 37:1-14 | EV Night | 29/10/2023 | Jono McKeown
Jono McKeown speaks on the hope of the gospel going out - The word and the Spirit of God.
The Gift of Salvation
Philippians 3:10 - 4:1 | EV Church | 22/10/2023 | Jez Reynolds
This life will not satisfy, we are saved for something more. Jez Reynolds reminds us that our deepest longing should be for our heavenly home.
How God saves today
Ezekiel 37:1-14 | EV Church | 29/10/2023 | Grahame Fuller
All of us are spiritually dead. Grahame Fuller reminds us that it is the Word of God, read and preached among us, that is mighty to save.
Everything in Christ
Ephesians 1:1-14 | EV Church | 5/11/2023 | Andrew Heard
What is the purpose of life? Why do we even exist? Andrew Heard speaks on the profound blessing we have in Jesus, that God has loved us so much to have revealed the mystery of life to us.
Everything in Christ
Ephesians 1:1-14 | EV Night | 5/11/2023 | Andrew Heard
What is the purpose of life? Why do we even exist? Andrew Heard speaks on the profound blessing we have in Jesus, that God has loved us so much to have revealed the mystery of life to us.
Saved From
Matthew 25:31-46 | EV Night | 15/10/2023 | Andrew Heard
The Christian message is one of great hope amidst the eternal consequences of our rejection of God. Andrew Heard reminds us of what Jesus taught as first importance, our need to be saved from hell.
Saved From
Matthew 25:31-46 | EV Church | 15/10/2023 | Andrew Heard
The Christian message is one of great hope amidst the eternal consequences of our rejection of God. Andrew Heard reminds us of what Jesus taught as first importance, our need to be saved from hell.
The Gift of Salvation
Ephesians 2:1-10 | EV Night | 22/10/2023 | Andrew Hayes
To see the slides click -> What does it mean to be saved by grace? What are we saved to, and what does grace even mean? Andrew Hayes compares two views of grace that sound similar, but lead to different saviours. Only one saviour can really save - as we see from Ephesians 2:1-10.
1 Corinthians 15:1-8
1 Corinthians 15:1-8 | EV Church | 5/11/2017 | Andrew Heard
Celebrating God's work on the Coast
1 Corinthians 15:1-8 - EV Night
1 Corinthians 15:1-8 | EV Night | 5/11/2017 | Andrew Heard
Celebrating God's Work on the Coast