What is the Life Series?
| Summerfest | 7/01/2015 | N/A
Tony shares his experience of attending the Life series. The 'Life' series is for anyone interested in exploring the meaning of life and the claims made by Jesus.
Good Friday 2019 (morning) - Life Changing
Luke 23:44-49 | EV Church | 19/04/2019 | Andrew Heard
Jesus died. Jesus rose. This is the most life-changing event in history! Jesus' sacrifice was life giving and life changing. How? Why? Andrew Heard explores the layers of the cross.
Your life really matters
Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 | EV Night | 21/01/2024 | Andrew Hayes
To see the slides click -> slides https://evchurch.info/20240121-slides Does your life really matter? From preschool up, we're told "of course it does!" But this approach doesn't work - it is selfish and empty, and not built on anything solid enough to support the weight of a whole life. Andrew Hayes looks at Hebrews 9:27-28 to rebuild a foundation that is far stronger. Your life really matters because of God, his judgment, and Jesus.
Good Friday 2019 EV Night- Life Changing
Luke 23:44-49 | EV Night | 19/04/2019 | Andrew Heard
Jesus died. Jesus rose. This is the most life-changing event in history! Jesus' sacrifice was life giving and life changing. How? Why? Andrew Heard explores the layers of the cross.
The Journey - Andrew Heard - Luke 12:13-21 - EV Night
| EV Night | 7/04/2013 | Andrew Heard
We live a short life here before eternity. Jesus doesn't try and sell us a perfect life here. What does he say about life? Check it out!
The Word of Life
1 Peter 1:13-25 | Saturday EV | 4/01/2014 | Tim Baldwin
What is so powerful about the Bible? They are Words powerful to create, sustain and nourish life.
The Word of Life
2 Corinthians 4:1-6 | EV Church | 5/01/2014 | Craig Dobbie
What is so powerful about the Bible? They are Words powerful to create, sustain and nourish life.
EV Church - What brings satisfaction in life... Jesus.
John 10:1-17 | EV Church | 2/02/2020 | Grahame Fuller
Does Jesus really satisfy? Grahame shows us from the Bible how Jesus not only brings satisfying life, but is our only hope for life and death.
Easter Sunday 2019 (morning) - Life Changing
Luke 24:1-12 | EV Church | 21/04/2019 | Jez Reynolds
Jesus died. Jesus rose. This is the most life-changing event in history! There have been many life-changing moments in history, but they are all dwarfed by the resurrection. Jez Reynolds unfolds the life-changing significance of the event of that first Easter Sunday.
I am the bread of life
John 6:25-71 | EV Night | 6/03/2022 | Dan Ford
Are you hungry and thirsty for something that will satisfy eternally? Dan Ford takes us through John 6:25-71, where Jesus reveals himself to be the bread of life.