Good Friday 2021: John 12:20-33
John 12:20-33 | EV Church | 2/04/2021 | Andrew Heard
Good Friday. Andrew Heard opens up John 12 to see how Jesus speaks of his death and how we can 'live again'.
The end of death - Good Friday
John 10:1-21 | EV Church | 15/04/2022 | Andrew Heard
This Good Friday we remember the Good Shepherd who lovingly laid down his life for us. Andrew Heard unpacks the offer of the good life that you won't find anywhere else other than in Jesus.
Good Friday - Peace - 9am
Romans 5:1-11 | EV Church | 3/04/2015 | Grahame Fuller
Grahame Fuller reflects on the meaning of Good Friday highlighting the wonderful gift of Easter - "Peace with God", which is made possible by trusting Jesus who died in our place. Have you acknowledged that we live in disharmony with God, and that 'Peace with God' is available to you?
Good Friday - Peace - 5.30pm
Romans 5:1-11 | EV Night | 3/04/2015 | Grahame Fuller
Grahame Fuller reflects on the meaning of Good Friday highlighting the wonderful gift of Easter - "Peace with God", which is made possible by trusting Jesus who died in our place. Have you acknowledged that we live in disharmony with God, and that 'Peace with God' is available to you?
Good Friday Peninsula EV - Matthew 27: 45-54
Matthew 27: 45-54 | Grace Church Peninsula | 25/03/2016 | Craig Dobbie
Good Friday 2020: EV Church - Psalm 22:1-21
Psalm 22:1-21 | EV Church | 10/04/2020 | Jez Reynolds
The historical events of Easter speak hope to a world drowning in need. We gather at Easter to celebrate the wonderful need-meeting news of Jesus!
Easter Friday - 2013
Isaiah 53:1-12 | EV Church | 29/03/2013 | Craig Dobbie
Craig Dobbie preaching on Isaiah 53 for Good Friday
Good Friday 2020: EV Night - Psalm 22:1-21
Psalm 22:1-21 | EV Night | 10/04/2020 | Jez Reynolds
The historical events of Easter speak hope to a world drowning in need. We gather at Easter to celebrate the wonderful need-meeting news of Jesus!
Good Friday Morning - Matthew 27:45-53
Matthew 27:45-53 | Special Event | 25/03/2016 | Andrew Heard
Andrew Heard explains why its possible to have life forever because of God's love and the wonderful sacrifice of Jesus. Have you reflected on the things of eternal significance, finding forgiveness and righteousness in Jesus?
Good Friday: It is finished!
John 19:28-42 | Special Event | 29/03/2024 | Andrew Heard
Jesus death is the most important event in human history, with the greatest consequence for us. Andrew Heard shows us the disciple John as he looks back on the death of Jesus and pieces together God's plan of salvation purposed from the beginning.