The Genesis Chat - Digging into creation debates
Genesis | Special Event | 7/08/2023 | Andrew Heard
Andrew Heard takes us through some of the issues that sometimes create disunity among us when we come to read the Genesis account. The Genesis Chat night was a great opportunity for conversation and to grow in our understanding of God's word.
EV Night - Genesis 1:27-31
Genesis 1:27-31 | EV Night | 4/07/2021 | Andrew Hayes
Andrew Hayes takes us through the first part of our holiday series on the doctrine of humanity, this time: what are we? Humans are not just advanced animals. God has made us in his image, to live in relationship with him and his creation. Andrew Hayes show us from Genesis 1 that we are valuable and life has meaning. Genesis 1:27-31.
In the beginning, God
Genesis 1:1-2:3 | EV Night | 23/07/2023 | Jono McKeown
Why are we here? Has science disproved God? Jono McKeown begins the series in Genesis with these questions and more.
The Fall
Genesis 3 | EV Church | 6/08/2023 | Andrew Heard
Speaking on Genesis 3, Andrew Heard helps us understand original sin and that even in our rebellion, God gives to humanity. God gives to care for us now and makes a promise that will cover our guilt and shame forever.
The Fall
Genesis 3 | EV Night | 6/08/2023 | Andrew Heard
Speaking on Genesis 3, Andrew Heard helps us understand original sin and that even in our rebellion, God gives to humanity. God gives to care for us now and makes a promise that will cover our guilt and shame forever.
In the beginning, God
Genesis 1:1-2:3 | EV Church | 23/07/2023 | Jez Reynolds
In the beginning, like a boss, God creates the world by his Word. Jez Reynolds begins our series in Genesis looking at the wonder of creation, the pattern, and what this tells us about God and why we were made.
Messy Families
Genesis 29-30 | EV Night | 10/09/2023 | Jono McKeown
Misshaped loves: sex, love, children. Jono McKeown shares from Genesis about God and the only Love that can truly satisfy.
Jacob I Loved
Genesis 25:19-34 | EV Night | 3/09/2023 | Andrew Heard
A father's influence can shape a family. Andrew Heard shares with us from Genesis how God reveals what he is like as our good Heavenly Father and his determination to bring blessing on whom he chooses.
Messy Families
Genesis 31:17-36 | EV Church | 10/09/2023 | Dave Jensen
Redemption is central to the Bible's message and a key theme in the account of Joseph in Genesis. Dave Jensen shares with us how just like Joseph's brothers, God can redeem even the worst of us through Jesus.
What happens when humanity unites?
Genesis 11:1-9 | EV Church | 1/10/2023 | Dave Jensen
The Genesis account of the Tower of Babel shows us the significance of our spiritual connection with God. Dave Jensen highlights from this passage the negative consequences of pride and how this destroys our relationship with God.