Children in the Son
1 John 3:1-24 | EV Night | 8/12/2024 | Andrew Heard
As we continue our journey through 1 John, Andrew Heard helps us identify the evidence of a truly born-again Christian and reflects on the contrasting situations we might encounter as a result.
Children in the Son
1 John 3:1-24 | EV Church | 8/12/2024 | Andrew Heard
As we continue our journey through 1 John, Andrew Heard helps us identify the evidence of a truly born-again Christian and reflects on the contrasting situations we might encounter as a result.
'Offline' Time in an 'Online' World - The Role of Books
:- | Summerfest | 9/01/2013 | Jacqueline de Keizer
Is there still a place for reading books with our children? Jacqueline says an overwhelming 'yes', as she considers the educational and relational benefits of reading to our children.
Real Life Story - Mark Hadley
:- | Summerfest | 9/01/2013 | Mark Hadley
Film reviewer, children's author, documentary maker - a few things Mark has done. He is also a gifted communicator with a fascinating life story. He considers if our children's films are their friends.
Raising the next generation
Deutermonomy 6:4-9, 20-25 | EV Night | 10/11/2024 | Grahame Fuller
Our society tends to have two extreme views about children; they are either 'everything' or a 'costly inconvenience'. Grahame Fuller speaks on the Bible's wonderfully positive view of children, that they are part of God's plan for the world and worth our investment in raising the next generation to know him.
Raising the next generation
Deutermonomy 6:4-9, 20-25 | EV Church | 10/11/2024 | Grahame Fuller
Our society tends to have two extreme views about children; they are either 'everything' or a 'costly inconvenience'. Grahame Fuller speaks on the Bible's wonderfully positive view of children, that they are part of God's plan for the world and worth our investment in raising the next generation to know him.
Family for the Glory of God - Part 1
Ephesians 6:1-4 | EV Church | 26/05/2013 | Andrew Heard
Andrew unpacks what the bible says about family, living for the honour of God. Deut 6:1-6. Eph 6:1-4 Eph 6 describes an asymmetry in relationship, children to obey parents. Assumption being that the child is 'in the Lord'. Fathers - don't exasperate your children, why fathers ? because he is most likely to create the problem (physically stronger and lower emotional intelligence). Punish for wilful disobedience rather than childishness. We can punish based on inconvenience to us, rather than inappropriate behaviour. Eph 6:4 goes on to say 'instead ... Bring them up in the training and discipline of The Lord. This suggests that The Lord is more important than even family.
Psalm 8
Psalm 8:1-9 | EV Church | 30/12/2012 | Andrew Heard
Andrew Heard preaching on Psalm 8 What we are against the universe is insignificant - so be humble. Because of what God did through Jesus, we are made new as children of God - so be thankful & give glory to God.
Wisdom is right
Luke 7:28-35 | EV Church | 17/07/2022 | Andrew Heard
What does it mean that wisdom is proved right by all her children? In part 2 of our holiday series on wisdom, Andrew Heard digs into this profound teaching of Jesus that orients us toward living the best life that God intends.
Kids Behaving Badly The Challenge of Parenting
| Summerfest | 8/01/2014 |
Children don't come with an instruction manual. Graham and Annabelle share some helpful principles for confident parenting.