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We surveyed the Coast asking "What question would you ask God if you had the chance?". Many of the questions that cam through fell into categories and throughout summer, we'll explore the top four questions each Sunday at church. Week 1. Why isn’t it more obvious that God's there? Week 2. Why is there so much suffering in the world? Week 3. Why do we exist? Week 4. What happens after we die?
What happens after we die?
2/02/2025 | Dan Ford
Jesus uniquely is able to answer this question, and his answer is equally unique, comforting and confronting. Dan ford unpacks Jesus' answer, and deals with three objections we may have.
What happens after we die?
2/02/2025 | Grahame Fuller
Every person, in every culture has a thought or question about what happens after we die... and death is coming for all of us! Grahame Fuller shares from the Bible the confronting yet beautiful truth that we can have eternal life with Jesus.
Why do we exist?
26/01/2025 | Andrew Heard
Many of us don't know why we exist, yet we are constantly searching for meaning and purpose in life. Andrew Heard explores this question and shares from the Bible how only God can give us ultimate purpose... deep, true, and meaningful existence that's bigger than us.
Why do we exist?
26/01/2025 | Andrew Heard
Many of us don't know why we exist, yet we are constantly searching for meaning and purpose in life. Andrew Heard explores this question and shares from the Bible how only God can give us ultimate purpose... deep, true, and meaningful existence that's bigger than us.
Why is there so much suffering in the world?
19/01/2025 | Jez Reynolds
The question of suffering is one that every generation asks. Jez Reynolds steps through the Bible's layered response and the comfort and hope it offers.
Why is there so much suffering in the world?
19/01/2025 | Jez Reynolds
The question of suffering is one that every generation asks. Jez Reynolds steps through the Bible's layered response and the comfort and hope it offers.
Why isn't it more obvious that God is there?
12/01/2025 | Andrew Heard
Why isn't it more obvious that God's there, and why aren't we seeking him? Andrew Heard shows us from the Bible in Acts 17, how God has made himself known, and the challenge to examine our own hearts and seek him.
Why isn't it more obvious that God is there?
12/01/2025 | Andrew Heard
Why isn't it more obvious that God's there, and why aren't we seeking him? Andrew Heard shows us from the Bible in Acts 17, how God has made himself known, and the challenge to examine our own hearts and seek him.