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Paul's letter to Timothy encourages a young man facing intense opposition in his ministry in Ephesus. As we work through the letter together, it will be a rich and practical time as we are also stretched and challenged to live more and more as a church of people, shaped by God's Word.
How to Stop Loving Money
21/07/2024 | Andrew Hayes
To see the slides click -> We know the Bible says not to love money. The hard bit is that our hearts struggle to believe it. Andrew Hayes takes us through God's gift to us in this passage: truths to help us spot its traps, unmask its scams, and practice evasive maneuvers that will free us from the love of money.
How to Train in Godliness
21/07/2024 | Ben Broadfoot
Christians don't grow in godliness through the Law of Moses - we're free! Ben Broadfoot shares from Galatians, that we grow by doing the things of the Spirit, day after day, simply and humbly, trusting God to transform us as we continue.
Slaves and Masters
14/07/2024 | Andrew Heard
What we value most in life will show in how we live and the choices we make. Andrew Heard challenges us to have an eternal perspective -where how we live, how we work, and what choices we make now, demonstrates a desire to please our heavenly father, rather than an earthly circumstance.
Slaves and Masters
14/07/2024 | Andrew Heard
What we value most in life will show in how we live and the choices we make. Andrew Heard challenges us to have an eternal perspective -where how we live, how we work, and what choices we make now, demonstrates a desire to please our heavenly father, rather than an earthly circumstance.
Money and Eternity
7/07/2024 | Grahame Fuller
The teachings on money in 1 Timothy 6 don't make sense to people who think this life is all there is. But the passage shows us there's a life that's truly life, which is the one in the age to come in eternity with our God, and this changes our whole approach to money.
Fight the Good Fight
7/07/2024 | Dan Ford
Dan Ford breaks down "Fight the good fight of the faith" explaining that the Christian life is a good fight that's worth choosing every day we wake up. It means living life aligned with how we were made to live under God as our King. We press on in this, knowing that the reward at the end is guaranteed for us by Jesus, and not by our own merits, which is eternal life with our Lord.
Honour your Elders
30/06/2024 | Jez Reynolds
Leaders are not the most important people in church, but it is most important for church that they lead well. Jez Reynolds draws out the responsibilities we have to honour our leaders and hold them to account.
Honour your Elders
30/06/2024 | Andrew Hayes
Leaders are not the most important people in church, but it is most important for church that they lead well. Andrew Hayes draws out the responsibilities we have to honour our leaders and hold them to account.
Individualised Love
23/06/2024 | Andrew Heard
True Christianity enables us to better fulfill our God intended role within the family unit. As Andrew Heard speaks on 1 Timothy 5 he helps us to recognise how we can be bound by cultural influence and in turn miss what truly pleases God.
Individualised Love
23/06/2024 | Andrew Heard
True Christianity enables us to better fulfill our God intended role within the family unit. As Andrew Heard speaks on 1 Timothy 5 he helps us to recognise how we can be bound by cultural influence and in turn miss what truly pleases God.