Jesus is the most significant figure in all history. And if the claims made about him are true, it will have a massive impact on our lives today… and for eternity.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
What did Jesus claim about Himself?
His claims were staggering. Although He was a man revered for his self-sacrificing humility, He called Himself ‘the bread of life’ and said that He gives ‘the water of life’. He also claimed that He is the judge of the living and the dead and that His death is the key to our life, not just now but for all eternity! As dramatic as they are, these claims received incredible support when Jesus rose from the dead.
Can all this be true? The evidence is compelling. And knowing Jesus is life-changing!
If you want to find out more about Jesus and Christianity, come along to the Life series and look into Life with Jesus.
If you’ve got questions about the big things in life, check out these Q&A sessions that wrestle with the truths of God, Jesus, the Bible, and us.
- Is God there and how can I know him?
- Can we trust the Bible?
- What is a Christian and how can I become one?
- What difference does Jesus make for the future?
- Is Christianity just another religion?
Want to keep investigating these things?
If you want to find out more about Jesus and Christianity, come along to the Life series and look into Life with Jesus. It’s an easy way to investigate the claims of Jesus.
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